Date: November 8-12, 2017
Where: Rudolf Steiner House in Ann Arbor, MI.
Format: Sessions for Section members (and other Class members) will begin the morning of Nov. 9th. The public conference will begin with a keynote the evening of November 9th and run through until noon on Sunday, November 12, 2017.
Theme: Third Scientific Course (“The Relationship of the Various Fields of Natural Science to Astronomy,” CW323).
The Natural Science and Mathematics-Astronomy Section of the School for Spiritual Science welcomes you to join them at their annual conference this year in Ann Arbor, MI. Prof. Fred Amrine has translated and edited a new edition of these 18 lectures, entitled Interdisciplinary Astronomy, which contrasts the restricted application of mathematics and mechanical causation then and still fundamental to the modern discipline of Astronomy with a more human-centered, phenomenological-Goethean approach to the Cosmos—moving away from abstraction towards reality.